Wellworth Ecatalog - page 194

Fig 3. Final shaft adapter position independenceupon
control signal (example function selection switch setting
of 0...10V)
Fig 4. Feedbacksignal independenceupon current
positionof shaft adapter (example function selection
switchsettingof 0...10V)
Adaption is a function inwhich the actuator re-maps its feedback
signal and control signal in accordancewith repositioned
mechanical end limits (see alsoFig. 6) and thus recognizes their
new positions
Fig 5. Adaption (function selection switch set to
Adaptionwill be carried out whenever the actuator is in the
modulatingmode or the floatingplus feedbackmodeor the 2-
position plus feedbackmode and
• theuser powers up (froma totally powerless condition) the
actuator; or
• theuser sets the function selection switch to the “Service/
Off” setting for at least 2 seconds and thenback to its previous
setting; or
• the control signal's value rises up into the upper dead band
(i.e. tomore than themax. control signal minus 0.24V) or
drops down into the lower dead band (i.e. to less than themin.
control signal plus 0.24V), after which the shaft adaptermust
then remainat the respective (upper or lower)mechanical end
limit for at least 3 seconds. However, in this case, the actuator
will then recognize the position of only the respective (upper or
lower)mechanical end limit.
Anoverride is a condition inwhich a24V signal is applied to
terminal 4of an actuator in themodulatingmode, thus causing
the actuator to ignore the control signal at terminal 3, whereupon
it will insteadmove toa positionof 50% of itsmaximum stroke
(seeTable 3).
If correspondinglywired (seeFig. 10, Fig. 11 andFig. 12), the
actuator provides, via terminal 5, a feedback signal proportional
to the actual positionof the shaft adapter.
To prevent equipment damage, youmust remove power
or set the function selection switch to the
“Service/Off” positionbeforemanual adjustment.
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