Wellworth Ecatalog - page 72

The CRANE ChemPharma, Saunders tank bottom valve
incorporates the performance and features of a diaphragm
valve intoamachined from solid tankoutletdesign.
These valves are free from fabricationwelds and deadlegs,
enhancing structural integrity and reducing the potential
for process contamination. The absence of deadlegs also
improvesdrainability, and facilitateseffectivemixing.
Tankbottomvalveweld installationat lowpoint of vessel base
enablingoptimumdrainage, cleaningand sterilization
Internal purgeoptionsavailableeither onvessel side
or outlet sidedependingon system requirements
Almost every process system includes a unique piping
challenge that does not lend itself to conventional solutions.
CRANE ChemPharma, Saunders custom designed Bio-Block
valves replace welded clusters, manifolds, and valve/fitting
combinationsandoffer themost compact,minimumdeadleg
design foroptimumprocess integrity.
Bio-BlockControlled InletOptions
Generally associated with multi-port designs, this option
involves machining a weir at the inlet to the common
chamber of a Bio-Block valve. This design permits control of
flow entering into the multi-port valve. The controlled inlet
optioncanbe included inanynumberofcompoundBio-Block
solutions tocomplywith specific system requirements.
Samplevalves, purgevalves andports areeasily incorporated
into the tank bottom design to achieve the desired
The resulting valve types are a hybrid or compound solution
that entails the use of more than one valve concept; for
example, combininga tankbottomvalvewithanaccess
and condensate port or a point-of-use valve together with a
samplevalve. Thisprocess, combinedwithourmanufacturing
expertise, results incustomvalveconfigurations that combine
incorporates a central control
into distinct process streams or
toallow flow topass through the
valve as required during resin
regenerationor cleaningcycles.
Our design teamswork closelywith customers to createunique
machined valvedesigns called call Bio-Blocks. These ‘outsideof
the box’ solutionsmay be drivenby process, space constraints,
regulatory issuesorother specific requirements.
Machined Bio-Blocks have the advantages of reduced wetted
area and deadlegs, no internal fabrication welds and reduced
documentation for installation and validation. Faster and
easier installation of process manifolds can be achieved using
advanced “machined from solid” valves.
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