ZeroDeadleg ‘Tee’Pattern range
The Zerostatic Tee valve combines a singleweir with a tee
pattern body. This design eliminates the deadleg present
when a 2-way valve is welded or clamped to a tee fitting
and has become a bio-pharm standard. Essential for the
eliminationof deadlegs in recirculating loops anddesigned
to ease installation and validation, CRANE ChemPharma,
Saunders Zerostatic Tee Valve enhances the integrity of
critical systems.
Major benefitsof theZerostaticTeeValve include:
· Compact designprovidingexcellent drainage
characteristics andabsenceof deadleg
· Machinedblock constructionwithno internal
fabricationweldsoffer optimum security
· Sampling/injectionpointsonhighpuritywater
· Mainline sizesDN8-DN150 (0.25”-6.00”);
BranchDN8-DN150 (0.25”-6.00”)
PDFdrawings, 2DAutoCADand3D IGESFilesofSaundersTeeValvesare
(ZerostaticValvewith ‘U’Bend)
Oneof themost sensitiveapplications inaWFl loop is theuse
point valve. These valves represent the barrier between the
safety of the re-circulating loop and the potential hazards of
the environment and function as the take off point for con-
sumption of WFI. Valves for this application need the high-
est level of design security, integrity, and cleanliness. CRANE
ChemPharma, Saunderspoint-of-usevalvesareengineered to
minimizedeadareasand fullydrainall associated tubing.
Horizontal or vertical drain
port significantly reduces
thehold-up volume
andnecessary sitewelds
associatedwith conventional
‘U’ bends andbranch tee
assemblies. Applicationoptions
include samplingor injection
onhigh integrity systems.
Optional integral sample ports can be included to permit
realtime samplingofWFIwithoutbreakinga sterileusepoint
connection. Valves for point of use service can be fitted
with a wide variety of end connections and orientations
to meet specific system requirements. Alternate use point
designs can be manufactured to accommodate special
center lines, reducedenvelope requirementsor other design
Samplequalitydirectly fromwater loopwith