TandemValves (SterileAccessValves)
The first customized valve concept is the welded tandem
combination. A main valve is ported and a second access
valve iswelded to themain valve to create a tandem cluster.
Tandem valves are designed to optimize drainability and
meetprocessdesign requirements forminimumdeadlegs.
Customvalve typesmaybewelded tandemvalveassemblies,
machined fromsolidblock typesormanifolds that incorporate
both technologies.
The primary benefits of these solutions are reduced wetted
area, reduced deadlegs, improved drainability and reduced
design envelope over arrangements using individual 2-way
valvebodies.Machined from solidbodies alsooffer increased
securitydue to the lackof internal fabricationwelds.
The following ruleshelpdefine thepossibleorientationof
· Themainvalveandaccess valvemaybe installed to
drain ineither thehorizontal or vertical position.When
installed inahorizontal run thevalvemust be rotated
into the self-drainposition todrain.
· Allowancemust bemade topermit access tobonnet or
actuator fasteners and for diaphragmmaintenance.
· Theaccess valve canbeany size including the same size
as themainvalve.
· Theamount of deadlegbetweenmainandaccess
valveswill varydependingon respectivevalve sizes and
orientation.Virtuallyall combinations fallwithin cGMP
· “Handwheel opposite”designsgenerallyhave reduced
deadlegs in comparison to configurationswith the
handwheel of themainandaccess valves in the same
· All CRANEChemPharma,Saundersweldedvalve
fabrications are100%hydro-testedbeforeandafter all
weldingandpolishingprocesses toensuremechanical
· Fullmaterial certificationof all tubeand fittingsused is
· CRANEChemPharma,Saundersbonnets,actuators,and
diaphragms fit fabricatedvalveassemblieswithout
adaptorsor distancepieces.