For applications requiringall stainless steel construction
Stainless steel,handwheel, compressor and spindle
Fully sealed,withaprimary seal that provides absolute
containment for critical applications
Electropolished finish
Operational at temperaturesup to160°C - Suitable for
Steam-in-Place (SIP)
Fullyautoclavableup to140°C
Available in size rangeDN15-DN80 (0.50”–3.00”)
PurePerformance (Bioseal)BonnetAssembly
The Pure Performance Bonnet is for use on DN8 (0.25”)
bodies – note Pure Performance (Bioseal) bodies haveDN8
(0.25”) weir but are available with bore and ends in sizes
DN8-DN10-DN15 (0.25”- 0.375”–0.50”)
FDA conformingPPS (Poly-phenylenesulphide)
bonnet shell andhandwheel
Optional stainless steel shell
Features smoothexterior contour
O-ring sealed
Resistant towashdown chemicals
Suitable for process lines subject toSteam-in-Place
Polymer handwheel reducesheat transfer
Fullyautoclavable to140°C
Stainless steel compressor
Highvisibilityyellow indicator sleeve