T: 936-588-8350 • F: 936-588-8381 • www.craneenergy.com
Other Specials
Other Duo-Chek specials furnished include:
• Valves to complywithNACEMR-01-75
• Valves cleaned for liquid oxygen (LOX)
• Valves prepared for FoodService
(austenitic stainless steel)
• Special testing for valves, including
radiography, magnetic particle, dye
penetrant, ultrasonic, helium leak, etc.
ValveswithGrayloc endsmay be
furnished for usewith hub end, clamp-
style connections.These end connections
simplify installation procedures in systems
that utilize them.Please contact your
sales office for information regarding sizes
andpressure ratings available, and other
hubend connections such asSpolock,
Seaboard Lloyd, etc.
Duo-Chek valvesmay be furnishedwith
linings, when specified, for abrasionor cor-
rosion resistance. Linings includeNatural
Rubber, Neoprene, andothers.All body
surfaces of lined valves are coveredwith
the specifiedmaterial, eliminating the need
for gaskets.Hingeand stop pinholes are
encapsulated to seal them against line
fluids.Solid alloy valves are recommended
for extremely corrosiveapplications.A vari-
ety of coatingsmay beprovidedon
request to resist corrosionor abrasion.
Some of the commonly specified coatings
include epoxies, coal tar derivatives and
sacrificial zinc primers.Pleasediscuss
your requirementswith your sales office.
Valveswith butt weld endsmay be
furnished for piping systems designed for
welded system components toeliminate
potential joint leakpaths.SeeOrdering
Information for proper figure number
designation, so that weld-endpreparations
match thematingpipe schedules.
Duo-Chek valvesmay be furnished for
subatmospheric to cryogenic temperatures
(-50°F through -450°F).Special materials
of construction such as low temperature
alloy steels, austenitic stainless steel,
aluminumbronze ormonel aregenerally